海外や国内のアーティストに影響を受けた作品やお気に入りの作品などをチャート形式で紹介する不定期連載「What’s your favorite thing of all time?」も今年の頭から始まり、今回で20回目となりました!
Cardopusherはベネズエラにて2000年中頃から音楽活動を開始し、当初はブレイクコア~ラガコア~エレクトロニカなどのスタイルをメインに楽曲を製作しており、2006年にフランスの名門ブレイクコア・レーベル「Peace Off」からアルバム「Hippie Killers Don’t Mind Jah Conversations」を発表。このアルバムではレゲエ、メタル、ヒップホップ、トランス、ノイズなど様々なジャンルから300ものサンプルを使い、超高度なプログラミング技術と天才的なセンスで作られた傑作アルバムであり、当時のブレイクコア・シーンに与えた影響は計り知れない程。
その後はダブステップなどのベースミュージックの制作も始め、Lo Dubs、Redvolume、True Tiger Recordingsなどのレーベルから発表された楽曲はMaryy Ann HobbsやDJ/RUPTUREにもプレイされ、ダブステップシーンでもCardopusherは多くのリスナーを魅了しました。
日本での人気も非常に高く、「Murder Channel」からの2ndアルバムのリリースやDJ Technorch、100mado、m1dyのリミックスなどで国内でも多くのリスナーから高い評価と人気を得ました。
近年ではアシッドテクノ/ハウスやEBMを独自に解釈したディープでダークな楽曲を作っており、2012年にレーベル「Classicworks Records」をバルセロナのアーティスト「Nehuen」と共にスタートさせ、自身の楽曲やLolo & Sosaku、Worker/parasite、Clip!といったアーティストによる個性的でフロアライクな楽曲を多数リリースしています。
そして先日待望のニューアルバムをBoys Noizeのレーベル「Boysnoize Records」から発表!アシッド~EBMを中心にヒップハウス、オールドスクール・レイブミュージック、インダストリアルの要素も散りばめた全ダンスミュージック好き必聴の内容になっています!
Cardopusher – Manipulator (Album Teaser)
Cardopusher Top 10 Japanese Music
1. Yamantaka Eye
Probably my favourite Japanese artist of all the times involved in many projects, being the most notable the avant garde cult band Boredoms and also part of noise outfit Hanatarash and UFO or Die to name a few. Have collaborated with like minded people like Bill Laswell, John Zorn, Ween, Thurston Moore and lots more. Expect the unexpected and lots of fun.
2. Merzbow
He is simply one of the most important experimental artists around going from noise, power electronics to free jazz stuff with an extremely extensive discography. He has been around for long time and it seems he doesn´t plan to stop.
3. Kouhei Matsunaga
I met his music through his collaborations with american hip hop MC Sensational and i´ve been following since then. He has been linked to excellent labels like PAN, Raster Noton and Mille Plateaux. His stuff is always sounding fresh and futuristic.
4. Ove NaXx
Funny guy, super cool dude and underrated artist coming out from Osaka. The first record i heard from him was “Bullets from Habikino City HxHc” released on the now defunct Soot Records (owned by DJ/Rupture) in 2003. I was really inspired by his jungle/breakcore/dancehall approach.
5. Cornelius
I discovered him around 1998 with his “Fantasma” album which i listened so many times, and since then been checking out his work. His music goes between pop, electronica and experimental. One of my favourite tracks that could explain this is “Point Of View Point”. Got the chance to saw him playing few years ago with his project with J-Pop singer Salyu called Salyu x Salyu. He also is now part of japanese cult band Yellow Magic Orchestra. Top producer.
6.Hoshina Anniversary
Techno / house producer from Tokyo and super nice guy too. My introduction to him was through Boys Noize as he´s been releasing stuff from him on his BNR label.
7. Keiji Haino
One of the most intriguing and mysterious guys from Japan, he has been making experimental music for at least 40 years. Looks like a pretty strange guy and his stuff it´s pretty dark.
8. DJ Scotch Egg
One of the most important things to me in music is the sense of humour. A guy that makes tracks about KFC, makes gameboy gabba and pancakes (literally) on a Boiler Room can´t be wrong. He also plays bass on Warp´s UK band Seefeel. Prolific and brilliant guy.
9. Nissenenmondai
Saw this band at Sonar Festival a while ago and was really impressed by their stuff, some kind of loop based music made with real drums, guitars and bass. Reminds me of Battles but more danceable and experimental which makes it pretty more interesting.
10. Monde Bruits
From extreme noise to sick ambient stuff. Don´t have much information about him other than he was the first guy to bring Merzbow in Osaka but his music is amazing, specially his synth work. Sadly died in 2005 in a crash accident.