Who is your favorite Drummer? PT.1

Who is your favorite Drummer?

GHz Blogにて様々なジャンルのアーティスト達に音楽活動において最も影響を受けた作品を紹介していただく連載企画「What’s your favorite thing of all time?」、

ホラー映画などの恐怖作品好きのアーティスト達にお気に入りのホラー作品を紹介して貰う番外編企画の「What’s your favorite Horror Work?」に続き、

今週から新たに世界中の凄腕ドラマー達に影響を受けたドラマーを紹介して貰う新企画「Who is your favorite Drummer?」がスタート!

第1回は元FACTのドラマーであり、現在は新しいバンド「Joy Opposites」をスタートさせた日本が世界に誇る最速最強ドラマー「Eiji」と、ハードコア・バンドでドラマーとしても活動していたブレイクコア・シーンのカリスマ的存在である「Drumcorps」のお二人がチャートを提供してくださりました!




Eiji(Joy Opposites,Fact)

1 Igor Cavalera (Sepultura)


2 Paul Bostaph(Slayer)

バンド自体からも影響受けてるし、ドラマーのDave,Paul,両方のスラッシュドラム神から多大なる影響を受けました。そして、僕はPaul Bostaph派です。

3 Dave Dicenso(Shelter,Cro Mags)

20歳のころ、 NYHCやSxEx系などハードコアにどハマりし、バンド活動や曲作りなどもいっちょまえにするようになって、ワンパターンな曲構成などに飽きてきて音楽の可能性について色々と考えていた頃、Shelterに出会いました。
ミスターSxExハードコアのRay Capoのバンドだということで、何気なく聴いていたところ、ドラムがやけに上手い!
Daveは元Cro Magsのドラマーで、現在はあのBarklee音大の教授なのです。この振り幅に気付いたとき、自分の中で新たなドラマーの解釈が芽生えました。
Dave Dicensoからは、活動面で影響を受けたと同時に、ブラストビートをメジャーなフィールドで叩く野望を抱かせてくれました。

4 Rich Hoak(Brutal Truth)

ガキの頃から聴きまくってたし、バンドも好きだし、なにより速くて狂ってりゃなんでもいいんだよクソ野郎的なノリはいつでも僕に勇気を与えてくれました!Brutal Truth Forever!!!!!!

5 Dave Witte(Discoerdance Axis,Burnt By The Sun,Municipal Waste)



s_Drumcorps Photo 2



In drums you have three things: Groove, power, and precision. Do one
of them, and you’re good. Do two, you’re great. Three, we all gather
round and bow down to you upon the holy altar of rock & roll. Here are
some of my favorite drummers.

Clyde Stubblefield & Jabo Starks (James Brown)

So much of what we call modern music comes from these guys. They
discovered the essence of funk, by stripping away all the extra
ornaments of Soul & Jazz & Gospel & Boogie-Woogie, and boiling it all
down to one endless groove. What you got is pure magic. El Dorado. The
holy grail of groove. This is minimalism at its finest, with a feeling
and urgency that still resonates. Listen, tap your feet, and respect.

Bernard Purdie

Another in the soul department. Listening to this beat without moving
your body is basically impossible. Make a sound — and feel good!

Purdie’s shuffle beat would would later come back to us via John
Bonham & Led Zeppelin. It became another thing at that point — Bonham
added his overblasting volume & power that gave us Jim Henson’s
“Animal” character and paved the way for heavy rock & metal…

So many things. To me that’s the most beautiful thing about music —
ideas and culture ricocheting around the world faster than anyone can
make sense of it. It reminds us that we’re all one people. Everything
comes from Africa — and what happened next is endlessly fascinating; a
product of history and an innate human need for communication. To move
& feel good.


Igor Cavalera (Mixhell / Cavalera Conspiracy / Sepultura)

You know this one — it’s quite possibly the most famous drum moment in
the history of heavy music, for good reason. In this one tune you hear
what is Igor famous for — that crucial blend of heavy hitting, soul,
power, precision. He knows when to lay back and do simple, but can get
complicated when the song calls for it. Igor’s crucial blend of
precision, power, and soul, it’s one of the things that immediately
resonates with people. This and solid songwriting are the foundation
upon which Sepultura and later Cavalera Conspiracy took over the
world. It’s genuine, heartfelt and completely awesome.

Mike Justian (Madball / Trap Them / 108)

Listen to this and be blown away:

A mix is a house of cards. You think it’s one thing, but it could be
another. In heavy music, you think it’s the guitar. In truth it’s
everything working together, and drums are the foundation.

What struck me most here is the simplicity of those straight snare
triplets going in to an absolute blowout of ridiculous blastbeats.
Later on before the chorus hits, Mike sets it up perfectly — with
those triplets notes returning — into a flam & kick variation — BAM
straight into the next “chorus” section when the chord changes hit.
Beautiful. It’s like in Jazz, setting up the kicks. Foreshadowing.
Tying it all together. This stuff takes expertise.

Later on I learned that Mike was called in last-minute as a session
drummer for this recording, and hadn’t really even had much time to
learn the tune. He made this stuff up on the spot! That is really the
mark of greatness — someone who can go with the flow and make up
something remarkable, by feeling it out, 100% in the moment. No amount
of studio mouse clicking can make this stuff up. The songwriters made
this tune, and Mike glued it all together. Nowadays, Mike is
demonstrating his style with NYC hardcore legends Madball.

Navene Koperweis (Entheos / Animals as Leaders / Animosity)

Navene is a human drum machine, but the thing that’s most inspiring to
me is that no matter how technical or fast, it’s always soulful!
Somehow. I’m amazed just watching this YouTube video. In person the
vibe is infectious — a force of nature that takes over a concert hall.
How does he do it? I’ve seen him live many times, and I still can’t
figure it out. I first met Navene when were were working together with
Animosity. He later went on to play in Animals as Leaders, making some
of the most complex polyrhythms on Earth, and he’s currently on the
road with his new band Entheos.

Ben Koller (Converge / Mutoid Man)

What?! He looks like a much healthier version of Ozzy, and he plays
like Kali incarnated with a drumstick in each of her 10 arms. Somehow
he manages to do all that with only two arms and two legs. Amazing…
Mutoid man… The groove, the soul, the all-out speed & fury! This
continues unabated for an entire set, live, and it’s a sight to